The values and principles that matter

We’ve always believed that forming a strategy is impossible until you’re clear on what your values and principles are. Without values and principles to guide you, making decisions can seem impossibly difficult. Given how important setting values and principles is to decision making we asked folks we admire to tell us about the values or principles that matter most to them.
The value that matters most to me is transparency because the only way to fulfill one’s purpose is to embrace one’s personal story and share it with others to assist with their journey through life. Transparency is not only a value but a fundamental principle that promotes trust, accountability, ethical behavior, and informed decision-making. It is vital in building healthy relationships, effective organizations, and thriving societies. I have been asked if my transparency will one day threaten my ability to function as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. My response has remained the same, “if my license gets taken away from sharing my truth to heal others, it is no longer meant for me to have it, for my room will make room for me.” Read more>>
This question stood out to me almost immediately. We live in an extremely complex and ever-changing world making it easy to fall into the feelings of being overwhelmed and straining our energy and focus to its very limits. There is a technique that I was taught in therapy many years ago, I refer to it as my Life Compass – steering me through chaos and guiding many of my decisions. In my opinion, values are internal and subjective and may change over time, whereas I view principles as a fundamental truth – more so universal in nature. In this current stage of life, I value a growth mindset and ability to effectively communicate. A growth mindset encourages you to see failures and setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement. Read more>>
Authenticity is my number one! I like genuine connections and raw emotion, I don’t want something that’s forced. I feel like that especially applies to creatives and social media. I’ll stay on the side of quality over quantity, and community over competition. Read more>>
Confidence is the value that resonates with me most, despite my own struggles with it. It represents the key to unlocking my full potential and living life on my terms. As I work towards finding my inner strength and self-assuredness, I’ve learned that confidence is not about being perfect or never doubting yourself. It’s about embracing imperfection, acknowledging self-doubt, and still pushing forward. The journey to self-confidence is not linear; it’s a series of ups and downs, moments of self-doubt, and breakthroughs. It’s a journey of self-acceptance and growth, where I’m learning to be my authentic self, unburdened by the expectations of others. Read more>>
I heard it said that wonder is to wisdom what flavor is to cooking. A life without wonder is just mere existence. Wonder is that which propels is to dream, to create, to achieve a better, more beautiful place for everyone to thrive. Read more>>