Meet Bianca Jenkins | Photographer | Producer | Social Media Strategist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Bianca Jenkins and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Bianca, have there been any changes in how you think about work-life balance?
In the last 5 years the way I look at work life balance has changed drastically.
I can recall a time in my early twenties when I pushed myself relentlessly. I rarely took breaks, brought work with me on vacations, sacrificed sleep, and toiled so excessively that it severely impacted my mental health. I can still recall the guilt that would sneak in as soon as I attempted to go on vacation or take a day off. It seemed as though there was always more I could be accomplishing, and I perpetually carried a sense of not putting in enough effort. At times, I even managed to convince myself that I was being lazy.
The hustle lifestyle quickly became very unhealthy, and unsustainable. I was lashing out on close friends and family when they attempted confront me about the problem, claiming they just didn’t understand. I began to isolate focusing on work, and found myself in a very tough place.
Somewhere around the age of 23 or 24, I started a deep self-evaluation of my life, seeking to understand my true aspirations and to distinguish between diligent work and excessive toil. I believe this remains an ongoing process for me, but my motivations behind my work are undergoing a transformation. Instead of trying to do a million things at once, never stopping, and constantly beating myself up over my performance, I am now working to narrow my focus in my business, and my career. When it’s time to work I am giving it 100%, being very intentional with my focus, and when work is done that effort and focus is going to my free time, friends, family etc.
Of course this differs in every season. There are some season where I need to be in work mode more than others, but knowing that the times I am not in work mode, I am intentional about taking care of myself and those around me. While showing myself grace in the in between. Everything in life is seasonal. Understanding what season you are in will help you understand how to balance work and life. It will always be changing and that is okay. Just do your best to take care of yourself in every season, spend time with those you love, and show yourself grace.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
First, I want to start by saying I have be no means “arrived” to where I want to be in life. If you would have asked me when I was 21 or 22 I would have thought I had it all figures out, knew exactly what I was doing, and where I was going. Now I am 25, and I really am still figuring it out. I will say though the process to get to the mindset to humbly admit to yourself and others that you are still figuring it out is not easy.
When I was younger I went after anything new and shiny. I wanted to do everything that looked and sounded cool, and I wanted to be the best at everything, and I wanted the success to happen over night. I was often starting a stopping a lot of businesses and other creative projects. Consistency was not my thing, and I often stopped things because I realized I didn’t like them or they were performing as well as I wanted. My early 20’s was kind of a lot of trail and error in my life, and I am so grateful to that. I failed at a lot of things that eventually helped me learn what I like, how to have discipline, and built a lot of confidence.
Now I am excited to be in a place where I am really working at growing my photographer skills, learning how to run a business, and discovering what exactly I want my business to be.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
My ideal week in NYC, and a week I would love to show someone who is visiting would look like this…
Start the morning with a coffee in Williamsburg from Vittoria Coffee, the owner Joe and his wife Eva are so kind!
Once we get our coffee we will go for a walk in McKaren park. From there we can grab brunch a Bright Side Cafe where I’d highly recommend getting the break fast bun with a side of potato wedges.
Then we would make our way into the city, walk around West Village, shop around probably get another coffee. After we’d walk along the west side high way before heading over to Ruby’s or Dudley’s what ever one we are feeling at the moment (both are amazing) to order some lunch. Then end our day in Dumbo looking at the water and the Manhattan skyline.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
There are a number of people who have been there for me over the years, and who have really helped me get to where I am today.
First are my parents who have gave me so much support my entire life. Every crazy dream, risk, even from dropping out of college, and moving to New York I’ve tldd them, they have supported me. My current New York community for encouraging me, especially in this last year which has been so crazy. Ace, my boyfriend for being so honest with me, pushing my out of my comfort zone, and seeing my dreams from another perspective. Skylar, my best friend and creative partner, for creating with me, bouncing business ideas with me, and always being there.
Aside from these amazing people, I am a big podcast listener. For the last 6 years the Secret To Success, and the Mindset Mentor have been my go to podcast I listen to every week and quote all of the time! Another podcast I have enjoyed and has helped me a lot in understanding my mind and body is the Huberman Lab Podcast.