We had the good fortune of connecting with David Jones and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi David, have there been any changes in how you think about work-life balance?

Running your own business takes discipline and dedication. You need to be willing to work long hours and forgoe many other things in life to be successful. This can be very stressful at times, but also very rewarding.

When you first start your business it may require more of your time and attention, like planting a seed .As it begins to grow things it will become stronger and run more smoothly on its own.

Of course things will come up that you didn’t expect, good and bad and you will have to adjust and adapt as needed to continue to give your customers the attention and quality sales and service they deserve.

I have been self employed since 1992. There were many years where I would work seven days a week to keep my business going and expanding.

Now that I am older and see the value of time a little differently. I realize the importance of rest. It is necessary for the body as well as the mind and spirit.

20 years ago I was in peak physical condition from working construction and teaching martial arts part time.

Back in 2004 I switched over to focus on guitar electronics and pickup sales online, that’s what I am currently doing now. I enjoy it very much and have been playing guitar for over 45 years.

The change I made meant more time sitting behind a computer or standing at a workbench, and I wasn’t getting the exercise that I was previously. Then covid happened and that also effected my health and stamina.

Earlier this year I began to practice Yoga, first on my own then I started taking classes at the local health club near my home. Within a couple of weeks I began to feel so much better. My back pain was gone and my mobility increased significantly. This made every day tasks like bending down and leaning over a lot easier. Yoga has also helped my sense of balance.

I started eating better and switched over to a Lacto-Vegetarian diet. In the summer I grew my own vegetables and became more mindful how I treated my body.

Since the beginning of 2023 I have lost 40 pounds and went from 224 lbs down to 183 lbs. Weighing the same now as I did 20 years ago when I practiced martial arts.

One of the biggest benefits I got from Yoga besides it helping me get fit again, was the positive effect it has had on me mentally.

According to the Yoga sutras of Pantajali, Yoga is “the science of restraining the mind” through asanas (poses) and pranayama (breathing) and it helps restore us to our true, calm nature.

I used to work seven days a week, now I work around five and half days a week and practice Yoga and meditation seven days a week.

My business is doing well even in this tough economy and I’m feeling happier, calmer and healthier than I have in decades.

So my message to anyone who is reading this is that it’s very important to take good care of yourself and show yourself love and compassion. By doing so you will be able to show love and compassion to others as well. We are all connected in this big world and an altruistic approach benefits everyone.

Thank you for letting me share my story, and I wish all of you, peace happiness and much success.

Om Shanti,


What should our readers know about your business?
Follow your passion and do what you love, that has been the key to my success in life.

Don’t focus on making money, instead focus on being the best at what you do. Put out the very best product possible and treat your customers with kindness, gratitude and respect.

If you have that mindset your business will be successful and you will build a long term customer base that will support you for years to come.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I live in a rural area with several rivers, lakes and state parks nearby. So I would probably take my friend for a drive and show them some of the beautiful nature spots that I enjoy going to.

Then I would probably take them out to a local Mexican restaurant near my home. Excellent food and fast, friendly service at that establishment.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My Dad for giving me a strong work ethic

Website: https://jonesyblues.com/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/jonesyblues?utm_source=qr&igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg==

Facebook: Jonesyblues.com

Other: Jonesyblues Vimeo channel https://vimeo.com/jonesyblues Jonesyblues eBay store https://www.ebay.com/str/jonesybluescustomshop?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=-3gG-JFZTOO&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=-3gG-JFZTOO&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

Image Credits
All photos taken by me

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