We had the good fortune of connecting with Savanah Gary and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Savanah, do you have any habits that you feel contribute to your effectiveness?
When it comes to habits and my business succeeding there are few that come to my mind instantly. The few being present within my business, marketing, and employee and customer interactions. These few habits that I put my main focus on is what I truly believe has made my business succeed like it has since taking over.

Being able to be present in the ins and out of my business is so crucial in my opinion. Being able to see what is occurring and taking place in your business not only shows that you care about your business succeeding but it shows your employees and your community your there to serve them and make sure they are getting what they expect. It also allows me to see things that need fixed in the process of operations as well if I don’t think they are flowing as well as they should or need to be.

Marketing is huge for a business to grow and get their name out there. I focus mainly on social media for my marketing as that seems to be what works best for us. I love hearing customers come in and say I saw this on your page can you make that; or that drink you posted look so cool I want that. We are on the following social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok all three platforms we are building a bigger audience every day.

Lastly, employee and community interactions I feel is the last habit that instantly comes to my mind. I try my best to interact with my employees. I feel that having team bonding days every quarter is huge because it allows you to be around your team and your team to be around each other to grow. Therefore, the end of last year we started doing team bonding days for the quarters and will continue to do so. For the customer interactions portion of this, I love to socialize, and I truly feel it’s important to interact with every customer that comes into the coffee shop to make them feel welcome. I want them to be able to have a great welcoming experience not to just come and get an item we offer that they like. It’s just way more to me than just that; having our regulars come in every day or there day they usually come in we really look forward to seeing them!

Overall, these three habits I feel is what has made my business owning a coffee shop succeed. I truly love everything about owning this business and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me and my business going forward as I have lots of new this coming within the next couple of years!

What should our readers know about your business?
I took ownership of the business May 2022. Previously I worked at the business prior to owning for about 2 years while I finished my bachelor’s degree at Northwood University. I loved doing everything within the coffee shop, to me it was super fun, relaxed, and stress free. While working I had numerous conversations with the owner about how I wanted to purchase from her when she was ready to sell. When I finished my degree, I left the shop and took a job elsewhere in the meantime. When she was ready to sell, she reached out within a month or two after and the buy sell process started. I continued to work at the job I took prior to owning for one year, this was the most challenging aspect I had since owning the business because I at the time wasn’t around much which I didn’t like. Not being around I wasn’t able to really see how my business was running I feel like. I later made the decision to leave my workplace and just focus on my coffee shop and growing my business and I’ve done just that.

The business is open 7 days a week now and we have added more food options to our menu. Within the next couple of years, we have big plans for the coffee shop that I’m not ready to share yet, but I am so excited about it. It will grow the coffee shop even more than it has already and I’m excited to offer the experience to the community.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I feel like Gladwin, Michigan is a hidden gem. I graduated from here in 2012 and before moving here I would have never thought I’d reside here the rest of my life, but here I am, and I love it. The places that are my favorite spots that I feel like should be visited while in town are the following.

The Fruitful Orchard & Cidery – This place is awesome in the fall time. They have amazing donuts and cider, and lot of awesome goodies as well besides the donuts and cider. They also have hard cider location as well right next door that is so fun to do with a group of people or I mean just alone too. The fall they have events to bring kids in which I think is awesome to do for the community.

All the restaurants/bars – My husband and I eat out a lot if I’m being honest. Gladwin has so many amazing restaurants to offer and I feel like each one as a specialty food item that they are known for too. We literally have a favorite item at each restaurant locally here are my favs at each.

Riverwalk Place – amazing Alferdo, crab ragoons, and steak

Pale Blue – shrimp tacos

Pipers Pub – garden wrap, pipers pretzel, and pizza

Hotel Bar – fish Fridays and Mexican Monday

Mr. Ms – signature salad and BLT pizza on cauliflower crust

Chee Peng – shrimp fried rice and egg drop soup

Mack’s on Main – avocado toast

Family Diner – Sunday breakfast buffet

I also highly recommend on walking downtown Gladwin and seeing all the awesome and cute small business shops that are here locally. There are quite a few and they all offer so many cute items.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My first shout out would be to Tonya Matthews who I purchased the business from. A little short back story I worked here prior to owning the business. After working for some time, I realized that I would love to own the business one day. So, through many conversations between the two of us, she made sure when she was ready to end her adventure owning the business, I would be the first to call dibs. Which she allowed me to do just that, she has taught me everything that I do know within the business, and it’s been a great transition over between the purchase. Not only did I buy a business through her from working for her we have created a great loyal friendship outside of the business aspect.

My second shout out would be to my husband, Alec Gary. If you know him, you know he does NOT like to take anything out of the blue and run with it like me. He is one to really plan and make sure things will go well. However, he has learned by being with me if I want something I’m going to go for it regardless. He has truly supported every decision on purchasing the business. I truly appreciate all the time and effort he has done for me to make my business succeed.

My last shout out would be to my amazing employees. Without my employees I wouldn’t be able to have a smooth-running business like I do. I am able to leave when I need to and not have to worry one second because I know everything will be ran smoothly. I am literally blessed with employees who really do love to work and be around each other.

Website: https://northernexpresso.square.site/?fbclid=IwAR1aQFPb6Khs0IqzO2-70yfdS7RHTELTONsu_mZT9ELacRPsmnPWxmQ7dOM

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/northernexpresso/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/northernexpresso

Other: TikTok: NorthernExpresso

Image Credits
Savanah Gary Northern Expresso

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutMichigan is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.