Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.

Teddy Morisseau | Storyboard Artist & Motion Capture Performer

Ever since I was a child, I’ve drawn my own comics. I even remember making a Game Development Doc for a video game that me, my brother, and a friend made. This is in the third grade. I decided to pursue a creative career because I’ve always wanted to share my ideas with the world. Read more>>

Davis Nixon & Nikki Finn | Co-Founders/Senior-Editors

Choosing an artistic career was by no means intentional, we are just deeply motivated and fulfilled by things that have emotional impact. We both have such a deep love of film and music, and how they have power to evoke complex thoughts and feelings. There have been times where we both get so affected by films that we literally can’t think about anything else for days. Editing turned out to be the perfect career path to not only combine these two passions, but to also allow us to express ourselves to the world. Read more>>

Cassandra Richardson | Certified Wedding Planner

i have always had a creative streak. I come from a creative family of people who love to draw, paint, cook, bake, and sew. Growing up in that environment as well as going to a creative arts school really allowed me to explore multiple creative outlets. I tended to lean toward the art section. I loved color theory, perspective, how shapes, color, and texture come together to create a work of art. I also loved weddings. Everything about weddings gave me such pleasure! Going thru the JCPenny Bridal catalog and marking the items I loved, paring veils and dresses together, noticing what gowns were carried over to the next season… this was my Friday night. Read more>>