Stories, Lessons & Insight

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
I believe that risk-taking is an essential aspect to advancing the impact of an organization. These risks needs to be calculated, of course, but if we live in fear of a possible negative impact we would never make progress. I think this is especially true for organizations working within the advocacy space. History is filled with examples of risk-takers making the world a better place. Read more>>
There is so much around me that inspires me; God, family, nature & people. But if I had to choose one that inspires my photography the most, I’d have to say people. I love meeting new people, getting to know them & then being able to capture them in an image so they can see the beauty in themselves that their loved ones see in them everyday. It brings me joy to see their excitement when they see their images! After every session, I am more excited & inspired for my next one. Read more>>
This has been a late(r) in life habit, but I’m finally into a regular practice of mindfulness/meditation. The research on this is obviously not confusing, but it took a while for me to 1. try it and 2. stick with it. Major shout out to the Waking Up app. I 100% recommend the introductory course. It’s what got me started and still my go-to app for meditation. Also, if you can’t afford it all you have to do is email them and they’ll hook you up! Read more>>
My greatest successes are always rooted in authenticity. As a multidisciplinary artist, my desires, approaches, opinions, and perspectives are wide-ranging; I try to stay open-hearted and open-minded as much as I can. Although it is freeing to be in a constant flow, it is just as challenging. I sometimes question what I truly think, or what I truly feel, as being open to anything can make it difficult to grasp onto ME – especially when consulting my loved ones. I’m so receptive and trusting in everyone’s view, and it gets murky trying to pinpoint where I am in all of it. It helps to affirm myself that 1. I know myself, 2. I trust myself, and 3. I love myself. This nurturing quiets the chatter, allowing me to truly listen to myself without judgement. I am reminded that there’s no wrong answers, and therefore no pressure. It is this freedom that’s the most revealing. With a light heart and clear mind, I accept that I am inherently dynamic, and fluidity is not confusing – it’s who I am. Honoring my truth in each moment, no matter how fleeting, serves me expansion and learning, not regret. Change is authentic to me, and rolling with it brings my most authentic success. Read more>>
The most significant factor behind our clothing brand’s success lies in our unwavering commitment to curating timeless and versatile clothing. By crafting pieces that not only reflect style but also foster a profound sense of empowerment, we establish a unique and meaningful connection with our customers. Our approach goes beyond mere fashion; it resonates with individuals on a deeper level, allowing them to express themselves authentically and with ease. Read more>>
My “Why” to happiness is helping others and being an inspiration in their lives. I have always had a giving and loving spirit since I was a young girl. It does my heart great pleasure to know I made someone’s day, even if it’s just putting a smile on their face. My company Clear Vision Artistry,LLC is a multi-dimensional company that is an umbrella for many art forms. Everything I achieve and create within my company it is geared towards the happiness, and love for all my patrons. For instance my major brand is Star The Nail Artist. I am a licensed cosmetologist that specializes in nail enhancements and nail art. In this line of work I am able to bless and create works of art on my clients nails which in turns beautify their hands and ultimately gives them confidence and makes them happy. To know I make someone’s day fills my heart with joy and confirms within that I am doing something right. Read more>>
It’s very easy to get lost searching for direction, especially for younger generations who may be frozen by the infinite multiplicity of opportunities in business today. It’s commonly said that to love your work, you must pursue your “passions,” Meaning your interests, which will dictate your path in life. While this statement is technically true: you should follow your dreams, which are most likely linked to your passions, its unintended fault is that it leaves out how most ordinary people find their true passions through experience. While I agree that you should follow your dreams, I much rather believe that most of your true passions will align as you work or craft diligently throughout your life. By understanding this, you can unfreeze yourself from the constant search for direction, which, left unchanged, leaves you feeling existential dread. Read more>>
I am a creative. Creatives must create. I have also balanced other work obligations over the last 30 years. Read more>>
I like to think of balance as feeling that I have management over my time and the capacity to do what needs to be done daily. This is an ever evolving process though! I am constantly asking myself what is and is not working, tweaking what’s not, and finding better ways to feel that sense of balance. When I feel that my life is more balanced, it involves feeling accomplished at the end of the day, that I have the capacity to engage fully with my family, as well as carving out time for myself to replenish. Read more>>
My work life balance has changed drastically over time . I am a Mother , works full time and running a business. When I first started Ariss’ Piecez it was a little easier my daughter was only 1 so I was able to have more freedom to dedicate putting in at least 5 to 8 hours into my business. Now she is 5 and is in Kindergarten. When I get home from work I give her at least 1 hour of my undivided attention we go over school work etc. Dinner is cooked, bath and bed. My daughter also takes Ballet/Tap and Gymnastics so my weekends are also dedicated to her. If I can stop working full time and pour into my business as needed I know it will flourish even more . Having a work life balance and running a business is the most important thing to managing your own company. Read more>>