Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
There are quite a few things that inspire me. However, the top things that inspire me are the ones that motivate me as well. As a daughter to an immigrant couple; being a Muslim woman has been a factor in a lot of the barriers that I had to break. Having to balance explaining to my family why my out of the box choices are going to make a difference while satisfying societal norms, has been a huge part of my drive to be successful. I aspire to inspire others who are like me; who feel that they are stuck under a ceiling where there are not many who look like us. The obvious things that inspire me, might be cliche to say, but MY KIDS! Having my children at a young age put me in a position to ‘grow up with them’ which in a lot of ways allowed me to befriend my children while still having boundaries as a parent. But that also put them in a position to have a front row seat in this journey. What could be more inspiring than your kids being your biggest cheer team. Aside from my parents and my children, last but not least, actually my biggest inspiration, has to be my BROTHER! While on this wild, lifelong journey of health and wellness, I have always taken it upon myself to educate myself on ways for better eating and living to support him. My other business endeavors have not needed health and wellness to be the main focus but have always aligned with it. From that I found life coming into full circle when I noticing we needed more places like Fresh Rootz! So, that is when I became motivated to create a space that offered what was lacking. That’s where my bother came into play through his health journey, being a direct reflection of what our community needs! Read more>>
What makes me happy is spending time with family and friends and realizing how blessed and fortunate I am.
Helping others makes me happy it gives me a sense of belonging and positivity. Read more>>
For me It was kind of out of necessity, being from a smaller community most of the dreams I grew up with I had to create if I wanted to be in those spaces. I had a strong upbringing so I understood that if I educated myself well enuff I could reach for my dreams. Read more>>
I was born and raised in Grand Rapids, MI. I was number 5 of 7 children born to a wonderful and loving mother who was a hard-working provider for her family. She was independent and a good steward of the things she earned. There were other influential women in my life that shared the same values and beliefs like my mother. Growing up I had the privilege of observing how they handled the good and bad times. I was amazed at how they maintained their faith in God through all they endure. Their positive influence has shaped who I am today. Read more>>
Because I could have not done otherwise ! For me, being a musician and more specifically a music creator is an absolute, organic necessity. Read more>>