Meet Chelsea Perry | Wife + Mom + Sewer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Chelsea Perry and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Chelsea, why did you pursue a creative career?
I’ve always been a creative person – even as a child – I saw beauty then and still do, in the small things. The way the light streams in a kitchen window at a certain time of day, the smudge of a tiny handprint on a door capturing the longing goodbye to a parent, the shades of green in springtime. My creativity guided my desires and interests and seeing beauty everywhere, I was really drawn to interior designing, textiles and fabrics – I just wasn’t sure what to do with all the material I loved and collected. My creative dreams snuffed out by reality, it wasn’t until I was in my thirties, a wife and mother that I found a passion and was able to create a small business that fulfills my creative outlet, allows me to work with beautiful repurposed fabrics and provide small glimpses of beauty in people’s everyday lives.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
What we make is simple, you can find similar products in the marketplace, but what sets us apart is the how and why of what we make that matters.
Having a love of fabrics and textiles, I’ve really been drawn towards repurposing quilts. It is rare that I use new fabrics because quilts tell a story and they’re always stories worth sharing. Giving new life to someone’s hard work, time and knowledge of quilting instead of being left unused, tossed or collecting dust is such an important piece of our products. We’ve given life to quilts made for newlyweds, injured marines, pastors, the sickly, etc. We’ve used quilts years old, made from flour and grain sacks – that’s real history! Allowing a piece of someone’s story to go forward is so rewarding.
We also thank God for the opportunity to make and sell a product that is wanted and while sewing custom items, pray over each customer that their walk in their faith grows deeper.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
An itinerary? I’m more of a drive until we find what we’re looking for, and what we’re looking for we will know when we see it! As far as some favorite local spots on the weekends we like to check out The Barnhouse Vintage Shop and then head to The North End Cafe for some of the best coffee in the area followed by a trip to most oftentimes empty but so serene and peaceful Clover Beach. If we’re driving a ways, then we’re visiting St. Joseph and Lake Michigan – a pizza by the train tracks and a sunset after a day at the beach would be the perfect day in our state!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Many people have inspired me along this journey – from my aunt, who took me to interview or shadow an interior designer when I was a teen, to a good friend who taught me how to sew. There are many great books and podcasts I’ve listened and learned from – inspiring and teaching me how to chase a dream, but I’d say that it really boils down to being encouraged and supported by those you love and who love you. For me, it is my family: my husband, who never a blinks an eye at another quilt brought home, my children who help me design products and keep me encouraged and my mom, who actually gifted me my sewing machine years before I ever learned to sew.