We are so inspired by the businesses in our community because of how many of them are committed to helping to make the world better than it is today. Check out some great businesses below and how they are helping others.

Dave Aro | General Manager / Partner

As an entrepreneur, I wanted to make sure that the businesses I work with are not just focused on profit but also in bettering our community and the world around us. Most of the business partners I work with now, and have worked with in the past, were new to business ownership but many were frustrated with how larger corporations have reduced their community benefit footprint. To be able to mentor them the importance of being a good corporate steward of the community as well as run a solid business has been very rewarding to me. Read more>>

Alvin Lockett | Community Center EXecutive Director

RTTM Community Center aims to help our community through our mission of providing“Hope & Access” to our residents by introducing our community to new industries, individuals, and ideas through educational and personal empowerment events that foster individual integrity and neighborhood connections. We offer three primary programs that reach our community in various aspects. Read more>>

Blake Miller | Orthopedic Surgeon

Conventional medicine has shown tremendous progress in acute care and life-sustaining treatments. It has failed in the realm of chronic disease management. As an orthopedic trauma surgeon, I have had the opportunity to experience both sides of the coin. After leaving a position at a level 1 trauma center, I joined a private orthopedic practice and started a more general orthopedics practice over the last 3.5 years. During this time, and throughout the pandemic, I have realized that medical school teach its students about disease, but has little, if any, education in health and what “health” actually is. Physicians have a lot of understanding about disease. There are robust definitions, diagnositc criteria, and the financial/insurance system structured around disease. Restoring health in patients is not the educational focus in medical school, it’s to immediately treat the symptoms of disease. Read more>>

Paige Godschalk | Redken Certified Hairstylist & Mental Health Advocate

Over the past 20 years with Randolph’s Salon Copmany, I have created a safe environment within my chair to allow my guests to be vulnerable, share what they need to let go of and leave looking into the reflection of themselves feeling beautiful and lighter than when they arrived. Read more>>