We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Joele Ballouz | Student & Social Justice Advocate

My favorite quote or affirmation that I try to apply in all aspects of my life is “There’s no growth in comfort, it’s a necessary pain.” As humans, we tend to prefer comfort and sticking to what we are familiar with. This is more appealing but ultimately won’t push us anywhere. To achieve anything, we need to take risks and put ourselves in new, and often uncomfortable situations. We must take risks with our futures by trying new things and meeting new people. Furthermore, change is scary at times and can have us longing for the comfort we are already used to, but comfort ultimately leads to no growth. All our greatest benefits in life come from change. As long as we are willing to stick in the uncomfortable for a bit, the benefits of the new experiences will surely follow. It is here where we learn valuable lessons and meet lifelong friends. Sticking to what we are already used to can be nice, but we ultimately won’t reach our goals and become the highest version of ourselves without making sacrifices and taking risks to reach them. Read more>>

Veda Murthy | Artist

There are many reasons why artists feel like giving up. Fear of failure, fear of comparison, the constant pressure to consistently create something extraordinary, self-doubt, and making enough money to make ends meet. I am sure a lot of people will agree with all these reasons and have at some point in their life felt this. I have been there so many times when I felt I am going nowhere, I am not making any money, or do people really like my work. If there is one thing I have learned, it is not to seek validation from anyone. You do something because you are passionate about it and not because you need approval. Read more>>

melisa scott | Midwife

I want people to remember that I loved hard and tried hard. I know that change happens slowly and that we can’t expect system changes overnight- this is hard for me. But I do know that I’m “running my leg of the race with passion and purpose” and I’ll hand the baton over to the next in line. I feel like it’s our responsibility to make sure that folks feel ready and confident to take that baton and keep fighting and running the race in their own way. Read more>>

Brian Favia | Chief Creative Officer

The most difficult decision I had to make was switching career fields. I had studied computer animation in college with the goal of establishing myself in the video game industry as a 3D artist/animator. While I did enjoy a few years working on digital games for a few different studios, the industry became increasingly volatile and did not provide the job security or consistency that I needed. Over time, the lack of fulltime job openings became a major source of stress, both financially and psychologically. Read more>>

Jacqueline Scherer, LMSW, RPT™ | Executive Director, Founder of THE PLAYGROUNDgr, Mental Health Advocate

The stigma that continues to impact therapy and trauma in our culture and country is deafening. I founded THE PLAYGROUNDgr to bridge the gaps needed to ensure EVERYONE had access to play therapy, regardless of finances, insurance and accessibility. Play continues to provide the building blocks to emotional health and overall wellness, creating an inclusive space to express oneself, heal and grow through a mental health lens. I believe that play therapy and generalized play, is the missing link in healing, I believe that play heals. Read more>>

Swetha Sridharan | Illustrator, Graphic Designer & Bio-medical Engineer

As a creative artist, happiness takes numerous forms for me, each as distinct as the emotion that accompanies it. Most of the time, it’s during the process of learning the intricacies of a new art form, uncovering its deep layers, re-engineering them, and then adapting to traditional and/or digital medium without jeopardizing the authenticity of the corresponding art forms. The mind is filled with enthusiasm as it travels, imagining with an abundance of creativity and exploration. The unconstrained self-expression opt for a medium and sets out on its adventure. Another crucial path to happiness is the relationships that blossom via creative pursuits. Naturally, there is a modest bit of vulnerability in this field. The ongoing catalysts for motivation are appreciation and mutual inspiration. Another crucial path to happiness is the relationships that blossom via creative pursuits. During my creative process, I experience not just happiness but also comfort, empowerment, and a deep sense of fulfillment. It brings me unparalleled happiness to see something fresh emerge from my vision and perseverance. Read more>>