We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Alyssa Khanga | Aviation Professional and Artist

I would have to say my favorite affirmation/motto has become; “What Would Dolly Do?” (In reference to Dolly Parton.) After struggling with isolation and social anxiety during the pandemic, by my birthday in August of ’21 I knew I had to make some changes for my mental health, and daily life balance. When that saying hit me one day; I thought if nothing else, if each day I work on songwriting, or make some form of art, and I am helpful in some way, that’s enough to live a good life. Read more>>

Chelsea Garter | Painter

I think the most important factor behind the success I have had is showing up as a real person in spheres like social media. It is hard to find real, messy people who are living lives that feel familiar and therefore, accessible. Read more>>

Amanda Joy Gilbert | Professional Henna art and Somatic Art Therapist

Courageously choosing love over fear has been the most important factors behind the success of my business Happy Henna and nonprofit Henna Crowns of Courage. Choosing love to take the courage to share an art that changed my life and literally an outlook into what is possible. Read more>>