Do you have a favorite quote or affirmation?

We asked folks to tell us about their favorite quote or affirmation and to tell us what it means to them. We’ve shared some of those responses below.
The idea for my business began with my husband and other military veterans. Like many veterans being discharged from the military, he found himself being bounced around from one pharmaceutical to the next. All while compounding more health issues with every medication addition or change. After more than a decade of prescription drugs and psychiatric hospital stays, it was time for a change. In 2009, medical cannabis became legal in Michigan and it was a lifesaver. My husband was able to get off the majority of the psychotropic medications he had been juggling and began to find relief naturally. Along with this more natural way of living came more changes to our way of living. Read more>>
I was watching television on a Saturday night (yes, my life is that exciting!) and there was a news snippet announcing the death of a rock band member. Ten hours later, the Sunday morning news shows had a five minute segment on the man. It was an “aha” moment for me. Or maybe more like a “huh?” moment. I wondered how they managed to assemble all of those photos and video footage in order to tell the full story of his life. Then, I asked myself, “What happens when the rest of us die on a Saturday night? Who tells our story?” And I found myself volunteering for the job. Read more>>
I came up with the idea for my business because I enjoy creating fun and versatile styles for clients of different ethnic backgrounds. I am also working on building a sensory-friendly atmosphere for people with children with autism. The desire to become a hair stylist stems from my childhood of watching my mom and my aunt shampooing, coloring, cutting and styling hair for friends and family. Mimicking my mom and my aunt, as a little girl, I would play with my baby dolls and style their hair in so many ways. I remember my mom would buy me all types of dolls and I’ve became obsessed with washing, braiding and styling these dolls’ hair! Read more>>