We love ourselves a good quote and so we asked our community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us and we’ve highlighted some below.

Misha Hill | Chief Xperience Officer

My favorite quote is “you get what you focus on” so focus on what you want. My favorite affirmation is “I have everything I need today to get to where I want to be.” Read more>>

Karen Finch | Realtor

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I’m Possible.” – Audrey Hepburn This is one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me of “thinking BIG”- that truly anything is possible! It makes me remove the ceiling I can tend to give myself. Anything is possible & I can do it- with a plan, much work, consistency & patience! On the flip side, we are our biggest critics. This quote reminds me to be my biggest cheerleader by continuing to grow in my belief in myself and expand my mindset with what I’m capable of. The more I believe I’m Possible the more steps I then take towards my goals, which is successful. Read more>>

Austin Pariseau | Co-Founder and COO of Gas Money LLC

One of our favorite quotes was said by Steve Jobs (one of the founders of Apple). It goes, “The people who think they are crazy enough to change the world are the ones who do.” There can be a lot taken from this and a lot taken from the inspiring life and career of Steve Jobs, but the morale of the story is that the ones who change the world are the ones who see what most people do not. The people who change the world are able to envision a world that is better and filled with the value their product, service, or overall business is going to provide. The beauty of entrepreneurship is the fact that most successful entrepreneurs are looked at as crazy people until the world starts to understand their overall vision. Read more>>

Chris Powerz | Musical Artist

Show up for yourself. Life is full of volatile emotions, and sometimes you don’t always have the clarity to be 100% ambitious everyday, but by practicing showing up for yourself in the even the smallest ways can make a world of difference. Read more>>

Nick Veine | Music Composer, Performer, and Educator

“I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain.”–John Adams, 1780 This always resonates with me because it shows the importance of art in a culture. Yes a people or a country can get more money, property, political power, and scientific knowledge but should evolved to have more depth than just the bare essentials for survival. Read more>>