Meet Michelle L Steffes | Author, Speaker, Trainer, Podcaster, & Executive Coach

We had the good fortune of connecting with Michelle L Steffes and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Michelle L, what habits do you feel play an important role in your life?
For the first 30+ years of my life, I never thought of habits or routines as “life changing.” Now, as the sixth decade of my life fast approaches, I realize how powerful they are. When I changed my habits, and created solid daily routines with those new habits, my attitude and outlook on success was completely transformed. Furthermore, my ability to outperform anything else I had ever done in my first 30+ years was beyond my wildest dreams! Everything I had every assumed about those who made it to the top turned out to be based on many lies I had accepted. For the first time, I felt as though anything was possible as long as I continue to apply myself daily in keeping the new routine I created.
But before I tell you what the routine was, I need to share why it impacted me so. What really changed my perceptions about habits and routines?
It all began with my education and study in neuroscience and physiology. So many leaders, teachers, parents and others tell us we “should” do this and we “shouldn’t” do that but the fact is, we already know what we should and shouldn’t do, so “shoulding” all over ourselves never helps, it only frustrates.
Let me offer the 30,000 foot view of the 10,000 plus hours of study I invested in this science so you can grasp what I had to, in order to understand the success I have been able to experience. We all have one hundred billion neurons in our brain that is developed and in operation even while in the womb. From then until now, we have created trillions of connections through the growth of networks that expand at 400 billion actions per second of electric energy. These networks begin with a thought that forms into a dendrite, then a pathway, then a network leading to a thousand trillion synaptic connections by age 35. You have built networks for everything from walking, to new skills, to driving and even dealing with life and it’s challenges. Additionally, with each thought and action, you release neural chemicals which create feelings and moods, Neurochemicals (or neurotransmitters) such as dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, cortisol and many others (roughly 60 all together).
Understanding this “inside information” puts you directly in the drivers seat of your life and the patterns you have created that led you to where you are today. The biggest take away on this is to realize that your brain is not in charge of the networks you created. It is the little decisions and actions you determine or repeat every day that wire the brain, thus releasing the chemistry and repeating the same patterns over and over. The good news is that you can REWIRE the brain by choosing different daily decisions and actions which will disrupt old patterns and change the construct of your current neural networks.
However, making a decision to change is not enough. Willpower alone will falter because of the mindsets we wired in over many years. It’s the habits and patterns or routines we keep each day that alter our mindsets about life, challenges and success. Ultimately, your brain does not determine your destiny. You decide your daily habits, which change your decisions, which alter your outlook on things and then those habits create new actions, feelings and outcomes.
So, let’s go back to the question: “What habits do you feel helped you succeed?”
Let me start with my “Morning Power Hour:” A decade or so ago, I began getting up much earlier and worked my way up to 4;30am. Crazy, right?! Well, it was at first, even to me! However, in that first hour of the day, I plugged into a sort of “turbo-mind growth routine.” Packing in things like, gratitude, reading, praying, listening to empowering, educational messages on how to win in my career and in life, speaking affirmations, praying and even exercising in within that hour.
So what did the Power Hour do?
– It gave me new energy and a new outlook on my day
– it completely took away the morning stress and pressure I used to deal with in getting ready for work.
– it filled me with new ideas for success and creative ways of approaching my task list each day
– it increased my confidence exponentially
– it gave me clarity on who I was to become and how I would get there
– it equipped me to embrace challenges instead of avoiding them
– it drove me to be relentless and increased my stamina to do whatever it takes
– it inspired me to author and publish two books which has been served to help many, even sold by the case to multiple organizations “Reframe and Rewire; Greatness Through Daily Routine – in print and audio AND “The Machine Inside Me: How to change your brain and discover the power within you!” (ages 7-14)
– it created amazing success for my podcast “Reframe and Rewire” reaching over 113 countries.
– it compelled me to start a “Give Back Program” for children to help them see life through different eyes.
– it opened new doors in my career for speaking engagements and expanded my Leadership Course Programs.
– it also improved my health and state of mind in undisputable ways.
In addition to the Power Hour, I continue in many of my new habits throughout the day and especially when I face challenges. The change in me and in my career is irrefutable and I will never go back to the FBSP Plan (Fly By the Seat of Your Pants). – It just doesn’t work – The more INTENTIONAL you are about your daily habits and routines, the more change you can create.
You cannot control your future, but you can control your habits and your habits will change your destiny.
BIO Offerings:
FOUNDER/CEO: IPV Consulting (est. 2012)
– 5 in 5 Performance Coaching – Accelerated Growth Program
– IPV Leadership Mastery Course – Corporate training based in emotional intelligence
AUTHOR: Reframe & Rewire: Greatness Through Daily Routine
AUTHOR: The Machine Inside Me: How to change your brain and discover the power within you!
FOUNDER: Give Back Program
CO-FOUNDER & President: Grand Rapids Business Breakfast 2012-2022
Certified Trainer, Everything DISC© A Wiley Brand
GLOBAL PODCAST HOST: Reframe and Rewire – reaching over 113 countries
Add-Heart Facilitator, Heart Math
Certified Professional Speaker
Certified Performance Coach
[email protected]
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
For me, the entire reason I do what I do is to see people win. Having come from occupations where working 60-70 hours per week was normal for average pay. Additionally, I had worked for many leaders who seemed to consistently miss the mark in understanding the human psyche and what it takes to motivate people and teams,
From this experience, I developed a strong passion to teach leaders how to lead and empower their teams. I could no longer stand on the sidelines and watch people put their heart and soul into something only to experience little or no value for who they were or the efforts they put forth.
This began my journey of studying neuropsychology and learning how to equip people to win. Expanding IPV Consulting to include extensive leadership courses was the icing on the cake because culture often depends highly on how leaders lead.
To provide an idea of transformed perceptions on leadership, below are a few comments I recently received at a 5 hour leadership institute I presented last month (Sept 2023) for leaders in the State of Michigan: (note – I have signed permission to share these and am grateful to each one)
“Super Job! Insightful and informative. It is clear that she has genuine consideration for “People” – Cynthia Jackson
“This was great! More leaders need this training. – Marc Gaynor
“Thank you for acquiring and imparting knowledge that puts people first”. – Julie Farmer
“Loved it, was great! Lots of ideas on how to improve and build our teams.” – Mary Barnum
Today, IPV Leadership Mastery Course and additional leadership workshops have equipped thousands of leaders to lead with emotional intelligence and people centered focus. Ultimately, changing the workplace to improve cultures where human value and well-being are key to organizational success.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I have always enjoyed the simple things in life including the beauty of nature. Research stands behind what a walk on a beautiful day can do to reduce stress and clear your mind from the clutter and chaos we all fight each day.
Therefore, I would likely offer to go somewhere to observe the beauty of nature. Perhaps a walk down a beautiful trail or a small town to visit some local shops.
I am also a supporter of local business so I would take them to some of my favorite local coffee shops, restaurants and sites. Depending on weather and interest, I might even suggest a kayak trip down a lazy river or a bike ride down a local trail with benches and bridges to stop along the way and just talk. To me, these types of things create wonderful memories and inspire good conversations.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I am a huge advocate in realizing that I do nothing on my own. There are so many in my journey I accredit for my success. However, just to name a few:
Rob Rice the illustrator of my book, The Machine Inside Me: How to change your brain and discover the power within! His talent is far reaching in terms of bringing to light the science of success in a way that connects with the reader.
David Pace, the Founder and Agent for Business Speakers Bureau. He believed in me, encouraged me and gave me platforms to expand both my talent and my expertise. I will always be grateful to him.
Wanda Sanchez and Shelly Beach, both experts in Trauma treatment and coaching, who went out of their way to support and endorse both of my books. They even gave of their time and talent to help edit and promote the books
Karen Horrigan who came alongside of me in launching the “Give Back Program: for The Machine Inside Me..
Many dear friends and mentors, too many to mention who supported and encouraged me along the way. But especially the support of my wonderful family..
Podcast: choose your favorite platform and search for “Reframe and Rewire” or go to: