Meet Tamara Klida | Teacher and Director of One Week, One Street

We had the good fortune of connecting with Tamara Klida and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Tamara, how do you think about risk?
Taking the first step in starting the One Week, One Street revitalization effort was a leap of faith. I felt certain that God was calling me to organize a volunteer effort in Saginaw while preparing to do a volunteer mission in Nashville TN with my son and some other youth and adults from my church. I had never done anything like that before so I prayed to God that if He really did want me to do this, I would need a sign. I would wait for confirmation. I prayed that I would meet a pastor in Saginaw that was already called to helping serve the east Saginaw community. I stayed open to all possible connections. I was invited to attend an informational grant meeting and said I would attend, knowing I had to stay open. When all 25 of us around the table introduced ourselves, when Pastor Roy Baldwin stood up, I knew it was him and practically ran over to him after the meeting to talk about partnering with a revitalization effort. He agreed to meet and when he told me the address to his church, I almost cried, it was exactely where I felt God call me and broke my heart for the city of Saginaw. Ten years later, and 245 homes improved, the risk to step outside my comfort zone has changed the trajectory of my life.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I am a full-time public school teacher and volunteer Director of the One Week, One Street revitalization effort. What sets me apart is that I write grants annually to fund a project with a budget of approximately $30,000. The money goes to purchase materials like paint, rollers, trash bags, dumpsters, porta johns, professional tree services, lumber and more. Our team goes door-to-door in the spring on a street each year to talk about One Week, One Street and ask if we could help them with any home needs. Once we collect applications, I start ordering materials and coordinating volunteers to help fix porches, paint homes, landscape, clear vacant lots, and more. The last full week of June, an average of 150 volunteers come for 5 days and make improvements on homes in east Saginaw. Each year we move one street over from the next so we make a bigger impact on the neighborhood. We do this with no paid staff, no adminstration costs, only love for our neighbors. I’ve learned that by working together, a synergy happens, joy spreads, barriers and stereotypes dissolve and friends are made. Love changes everything.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
In the summer I love to kayak to Lake Huron from a place called Tip-a-canoe. We pack a cooler with us and some towels and take a 45 minute kayak to the lake, hang out and have lunch, swim. Then take the 45 minute kayak trip back to the car. My favorite restaurant is Retro Rocks in Bay City and best thing to order is the Firecracker Shrimp.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to dedicate this shoutout to our leadership team: Pastor Roy Baldwin, his wife, Evelyn Baldwin, Arshen Baldwin, Diana Bay and countless volunteers that help make this revitalization effort happen. Also, for the financial support from Financial Plus Credit Union, TriStar Bank and Trust, The Home Depot Thomas Township, The DeShano Community Foundation, The Saginaw Community Foundation, Burt Watson Chevrolet, Blessed Sacrament Parish, the Central Bay United Methodist District, and the many other churches and individuals that have continously supported our mission.
Facebook: One Week One Street
Other: [email protected]
Image Credits
Tamara Klida