Rolling the dice: conversations on risk

Taking Risk is essential, but how much, when and why? Taking risks effectively is as much of an art as it is a science and we’ve asked some of the brightest folks in the community to tell us about how they think about risk taking.
Risk taking has been huge in the growth of my business. When my husband and I bought our first rental we had no idea what we were doing but trusted that if we worked hard and positioned ourselves in the top of our market our investment would make money. Once I decided to manage for other people buying rentals I was not only asking them to take the same risk with the purchase, but turn it over to me to bring in their income. Owning a business is a lot about your tolerance for risk and ability to be comfortable with uncertainty. I consider myself to be the kind of person who jumps in with both feet because I work incredibly hard and trust in my ability to be great. Read more>>
Risk taking feels like it’s built into my very being and has been since I was much younger, even though I likely wouldn’t have called it that then. From deciding to publish a book at 13 and tell my whole school about it, to flying across country multiple times to help shoot a project I heard about on Instagram, I am no stranger to taking leaps regardless of the doubts that naturally come up when trying new things. Today and everyday, I strive to keep on leaping, keep on relying more on faith instead of what I can see or imagine might happen. Those risks I took led me to lessons I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise and I want to keep on learning. Read more>>
I think about risk as crucial component of pursuing a artistic and creative career. When I take calculated risks, it is to learn and grow more. I had difficulty deciding on a question. It is my first written interview versus spoken on video. The risk I am taking is to include all the responses on this portion of the questions. and to ask if there is one answer you would chose over others, or any form of feedback.. I spent a meaingful and significant time thinking and responding to these questions with care and accuracy. As an Artist I have learned that people who buy or view out, often want to know the story behind the piece, and the story behind the Artist. Read more>>