What’s one thing about your industry that outsiders are probably unaware of?

We asked experts from a broad range of industries to open up to us about things they know about their industry but that we probably don’t and we’ve shared some of those responses below.
From my personal experience, PROTECT YOUR WORK! For the past 2 years I have been in a lawsuit with Fashion Nova due to them stealing my trademarked work and if I had not trademarked by work early on when I started I wouldn’t be able to do anything about them stealing my work. It is worth the investment for any idea. So I suggest to anyone getting into the fashion industry or really any industry, make sure the business is done properly first. Read more>>
When I tell people I am a violinist, they often comment about how peaceful and soothing that must be to play music for a living. It’s a really sweet comment, but it always makes me laugh a little, because it is a bit like telling a competitive gymnast that their work must be quite relaxing. Sure, music itself is healing and transformative, even calming for the listener, but playing the violin is extremely physical, requiring the use of nearly every muscle in the body. While our goal is ultimately to play in a relaxed manner, the journey there is everything but! Read more>>
One example is, prescription drug coverage is often overlooked. Every insurance plan has its own formulary, which is essentially a list of the generic and brand-name drugs that the plan covers. Since prices and coverage can vary significantly between plans, it’s important to review your specific prescriptions to make sure you’re getting the best pricing and coverage. Read more>>