People often ask about the best decision, but we think it’s also very enlightening to learn about people’s most difficult decisions and the frameworks they used to think through those decisions.

Teshima Gaines | Heavenly Beauty Kueen Boutique Owner

The most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make for my business was like really strategically planning out my target audience and then just doing trial runs of what people like or what people didn’t like. So, the best way was finding out what items sold the best and just really going through all that data to analyze what makes my brand stands. Creating Heavenly Beauty Kueen Boutique, LLC has become my baby. I’m very dedicating to finding new tips and tricks that I can use to make creating my business and getting people to know my business more. This business was started when I was a new fresh mom and I looked in my closet and realized that I really didn’t have any clothes that really fit it or stuff just seem baggy and I wasn’t feeling my prettiest. So when I created it HBKBOUTIQUE I mostly thought of new moms who are staying at home for the first 6 months before returning to work or who are stay at home full time that mostly you know just wear like a lot of lounge around clothing,but still looking out together. Read more>>

Liz Parker | Blogger

In terms of my blog, the most difficult decision was probably rebranding: I was previously Yes/No Films, from about January 2009 through summer 2017, I believe, and I rebranded it to Yes/No Detroit. My reasoning behind that is that I was missing out on a lot of blogging opportunities because people believed I *only* blogged about films (at the time, I of course did blog about films, but also more lifestyle topics too, like traveling, food, and other entertainment). Since the rebranding, I definitely have had more opportunities to do sponsored posts, and continue posting about non-movie topics I enjoy, too, like theater shows downtown and food and restaurant reviews. Read more>>

Brittany Adams | Brand Owner

Leaving my 9-5 was the most difficult thing ive ever done. Solely being reliant on my business income has created some serious discipline. It showed me that you have to stay consistent with your plans otherwise you wont have the outcome you are looking to have Read more>>