Meet Lalonie Willhite | CEO/ Owner / Business Creator

We had the good fortune of connecting with Lalonie Willhite and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Lalonie, what habits do you feel helped you succeed?
1. Always dreaming
2. Staying focused on my goals and dreams
3. Being disciplined
4. Staying true to Nikes slogan ” Just Do It”
5. Never give up
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
When I was around the age of five, I was placed in the foster care system. I would live with different nationalities many of the families didn’t know how to do my hair. I would then get talked about in school.
This Inspired me to try to learn how to do my hair at a young age.
This helped me navigate school better despite getting moved around to different families I didn’t get talked about much, and then it became a hustle, I would then start making money off of doing hair.
After graduating High School, I would then go back to school to receive my Cosmetology License. I realized after getting my license that I wanted to totally immerse myself into this the beauty industry, so I went back to school to receive my Cosmetology Instructor License.
I would then go on to start up my own space for business professionals to render quality beauty services at Dream Of Kalamazoo currently we’ve been in business eleven years.
Because of my experiences & passion for youth in the foster care and adoption system I would start up a foundation called the Dream Of Kalamazoo Foundation founded in October 2022 where selected salons and barbershops in Southwest Michigan will provide a space where families that have wards in the foster care/ adoption system can come and receive free hair services and education for foster / adoptive families free of charge.
I wrote a book about my experiences in the foster care system called ” I’ve Already Made It: Breaking Barriers Through Listening Prayer and Faith” book to explain my experiences in the foster/ adoption system and to encouraging others to break through the barriers in front of them.
I’ve Already Made It has a companion workbook that inspires authorship; once all of the questions are completed you can put the questions together and you’ll have your own book.
I also started up Hydr8 Organics in 2020 an all-natural and effective organic hair care line that infuses eight key vitamins and minerals by giving your hair strands the necessary nutrients while encouraging hair growth and retaining hair.
What sets me apart is that before I start up anything I make sure that it’s ordered by God through prayer, or keeping my eyes and ears open to what God is bringing to me then I receive it and make sure I move accordingly based off of hints & clues that are given.
I never start anything up just because someone else does it i make sure this is something I’m ( Lalonie ) is supposed to be doing and then I stay focused on the plan until its fully executed.
I’m proud of how far the brands have come and I’m excited for growth and what’s next for us.
I am where I am today because of God… truly ( there’s a story behind this), it hasn’t been easy, but it is worth every bit of time and energy.
I overcame these challenges through listening prayer and faith.
Some of the lessons I’ve learned is to seek God first for your direction if you want to be effective, spend time with yourself to figure out who you are and what direction your being lead, never give up, and try very hard to write a book before you leave this earth so that you can continue to help those on earth long after your gone.
I would like the world to know that it doesn’t matter your upbringing or what may have happened to you in life, as long as God gives you another chance get up and try again; try life again.
I want them to know that you were made from a creator so you will naturally be creative, don’t stay stuck in a category of what people think you should be or what people may know you for, because honestly you are many things… embrace the many facets of you.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Monday: Ninas Cafe for breakfast, walk downtown Kalamazoo while visiting many of the small businesses and snacking on the Kalamazoo Mall.
Tuesday: Go to Dream Of Kalamazoo Fix our hair up for the week, check out Kalamazoo Institute Of Arts, then go to Cookies Creole n Soul restaurant.
Wednesday: Breakfast at Poor Richards Cafe, workout run downtown Kalamazoo, check out a good movie at Celebration Cinema.
Thursday: Breakfast at Poor Richards Cafe, check a good book out at the Kalamazoo Library, go to the Oasis talk and relax, go to Tangy crab for dinner.
Friday: Breakfast at Crows Nest, go around the city and check out local businesses in the Kalamazoo area, check out Twine, and have dinner at Ty’s Joint.
Saturday: Make breakfast, go to a comedy show in our area, dinner at Brick and Brine
Sunday: Go To First Salem Missionary Baptist Church in Battle Creek enjoy a good word, go to Cracker Barrel and enjoy a good meal.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would like to first give honor to God the creator of my life.
I would like to say thank you to Tara Mabin with Monarch Legacy who recommended me to Shoutout Michigan.
I would also like to thank family, friends, coworkers & clients, for supporting and aiding in the continuation and growth of the businesses.
Website: / / / DOKF.ORG
Instagram: Dreamofkalamazoo / bookivealreadymadeit / Hydr8_Organics
Linkedin: Dream Of Kalamazoo / Lalonies Publishing / Hydr8 Organics / Dream Of Kalamazoo Foundation
Facebook: Dream Of Kalamazoo / I’ve Already Made It / Hydr8 Organics Hair Care Line / Dream Of Kalamazoo Foundation
Youtube: @Hydr8organics
Other: Tik Tok: @Hydr8organics
Image Credits
Southwest Michigan First