Are you a risktaker?

Are you a risk taker? Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family? We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.
Risk taking is absolutely essential to making progress. Last year, I’d just graduated from college, and I got a job making more money than I’d ever made before, but I wasn’t in my purpose, and I was taking work home with me every day. If you aren’t passionate about work, you better be in an environment with firm boundaries, it’s great to have both, but it’s unacceptable to have neither. The biggest risk we take is letting go and trusting others. When that trust fails, it’s a terrible, scarring blow, but nothing great is possible without that trust paying off. I’ve taken to playing with a rubik’s cube recently, I haven’t solved it yet, but I’m getting close! Sometimes, you get one side, and you try not to mess up that side and get the rest, but you’ve unwittingly blocked your progress because you’re afraid to backtrack. Read more>>
Risks have played a role in my life/career by allowing me to grow personally and professionally. For years I thought there was no way I could do this kind of work for many reasons. However, I decided to step out on faith, take a leap, and go for it. Since then, doors have opened, not just for me but for other birthworkers and families in the communities. I’m learning when you follow your dreams by taking risks, you can achieve your goals in your life/career. I didn’t say it was easy though. There will always be obstacles and challenges along the way, but it’s how you respond and adapt to each situation that counts. No, we don’t always know what the result will be, but if we don’t take a chance in following our dreams, we will never know how much potential we have to succeed. Read more>>
Risk-taking is an interesting subject. The role of taking a risk played a huge factor in growing my business to a retail storefront. I had always played in safe by working a 9 to 5 and only doing my business on the weekends. I was comfortable with having a guaranteed check deposited in my account every two weeks. However, I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to know what it would be like if I dedicated the 40 hours that I gave to someone else’s business to my own. I leaped and left my career to pursue my baking full-time. In 2021, I started a dessert food truck and then later opened a retail bakeshop in February 2023. This was a huge risk, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Read more>>
Risks are so important to take in life! Because it really is a matter of belief; belief in yourself to follow your dreams and live your life. One of the first risks I took was leaving a fortune 500 company to travel. My risk was leaving a steady job to a world of unknown. During this time there was a lot of healing, and learning about myself. I never would be who I am today without making and acting on this decision. Another risk I took was leaving my corporate job to go full time with my side-hustle of being a Virtual Assistant (VA). I’ve learned so much about myself, grown, and have been able to scale my business since leaving. It has been an incredible journey so far and I’m grateful for taking a chance on myself. Read more>>