Stories, Lessons & Insight

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
Deciding whether to keep going or to give up is a personal decision that often depends on the context of your situation. I always take the following into account when making a decision: Evaluate your passion and purpose behind what you’re doing. If the fire is still there, it might be worth continuing and persevering through challenges. Consider your resilience and ability to bounce back from setbacks. If you have the mental and emotional strength to overcome obstacles, it may be a sign to keep going. Assess your adaptability and willingness to pivot if needed. Sometimes, a change in strategy or approach can make a significant difference. Read more>>
When it comes to habits and my business succeeding there are few that come to my mind instantly. The few being present within my business, marketing, and employee and customer interactions. These few habits that I put my main focus on is what I truly believe has made my business succeed like it has since taking over. Being able to be present in the ins and out of my business is so crucial in my opinion. Being able to see what is occurring and taking place in your business not only shows that you care about your business succeeding but it shows your employees and your community your there to serve them and make sure they are getting what they expect. Read more>>
It was important to me to base my business around symbiotic relationships. I truly believe that so many businesses can be completely complimentary to each other. When a Real Estate agent books me to make a video of the house they’re listing. I know that if I make a great video, it will help them sell the house, they will get paid, and in return they will be incentivized to pay me again. Everybody wins. Anyone that ever books me. I want them to WIN. Because if they win, then I win. Read more>>
Music makes me very happy . Its my special place where express over dope instruments , I can paint pictures with words. I can’t bring what I’m saying to life or back life. I can share with the world my thought process Read more>>
When our 31 year old son died, I wanted to honor his memory and continue to follow my passion of helping others. I also wanted to start the business with my 9 year old granddaughter in order to teach her that no matter how difficult life gets, she can always pivot and start over. Read more>>
I owe it to God, my family, and the community around me to pursue and test the limitations of my full potential. I believe anything less is unethical. From there, my goal was to find a way to monetize my passions in a way that would serve the needs and desires of others. This is how the media company was formed and ultimately, the film/ photo studio. Read more>>
Home organizing has become a more popular service over the past few years with the success of some TV shows. While it is always exciting to see the physical transformations in a home, it is the emotional transformations that are the true key to this industry. The mental toll clutter in the home can have on a family can not be overstated. We see the stress and chaos caused by clutter and work with our clients to eliminate it. Our goal is to bring serenity to the homes of each of our clients so that they can focus on what matters most to them. Read more>>
I don’t want to be stuck behind a desk my whole working life. I dream of owning my own studio where I can continue to create everlasting memories for people. I would also love to be able to travel for my work; whether all around the US, or the world. I want to be able to fully sustain myself, my family, and my lifestyle while doing what I love. Read more>>