Getting to do what you love? Providing for your loved ones? What does success mean to you? Below you’ll find perspectives from some of the city’s best and brightest.

Joan Strasz | Dog Trainer

How do I define success? What makes you happy and productive. My children and I are a family of entrepreneurs, my son a fine finish painter, my daughter is doing yoga and plants, my youngest is still finding out what he loves, and of course myself a dog trainer. That is my definition of success, living a content and fulfilling life. Read more>>

Rachel Wroblewski | Photographer

I think the definition of success to me personally is different than others. Some think making lots of money means they are successful, some think having a family is successful, etc. I think success is an internal feeling that each person has. Someone might feel successful by their careers, family, business, etc. I think as long as someone is truly happy with their life, that is success. All those things I listed mean nothing if someone does not feel happy at the end of the day. So, to be fair, I think the real definition of success is happiness. Read more>>

Wavie P. | Independent Music Artist & Entrepreneur

I define success as accomplishing the goals I set forth regardless of the circumstances that come into my path. Persistence and consistency are the keys to success for anyone with strong willpower! Read more>>

Jackamo | Musicians

To us success is defined by happiness. Are you happy with what you’re putting into your craft? Are you happy with what you’re showing the world? Those are the questions we ask ourselves all the time. If we ever say no to those questions then we equate that with being unsuccessful. Read more>>

Lisa Calandrino | Couples Photographer

Success is such a hard thing to define. It is different for everyone. For me though, I think success can be defined as having loved ones and being able to be there for them. Money is great, and it’s needed, but it isn’t everything. I think I feel most successful when I am able to schedule my work around my family time. Read more>>