“If you stand for nothing, you fall for everything”

We asked the community to tell us about the values and principles that guide their lives and businesses.

Matthew Martin | Product UX Designer

Design decisions have become increasingly important in our technology-driven society. It is crucial that we look beyond the immediate usability of a product and consider the broader context and long-term effects on society and future generations. we need to think about the interconnectedness of everything. What we create is part of a larger ecosystem and our designs impact the world around us. Every design is shaped by the past and has the potential to shape the future. It also exists within a broader context, an ecosystem of interconnected elements. Read more>>

Brittany Powell | Owner & Sips Curator

When thinking of value or principle of priority, I will have to say that integrity is what matters most to me. I am a woman of my word and I understand how my actions can impact the next person, business, or opportunity. I value my ability to operate with integrity, both personally and professionally, because it leads to continued business for my Edgy Sips brand, referrals who trust me based on past experiences with my other clients, and positions me for opportunities that are aligned with my vision. As a small business owner looking to scale and expand, it is important for me to operate and lead with integrity to set the tone for rooms I am present in. Read more>>

Donny Wilson | Youth Development Professional, Influencer and Filmmaker

Without a doubt kindness and empathy are what matter most. No matter what your role is in life, if you inject some kindness and show some empathy, you will leave a lasting and meaningful footprint. Far too often people say or do things that hurt others. If you put yourself in their shoes for just one second then it can make the biggest difference. Read more>>