Through our work we have had the good fortune of seeing firsthand how success comes in every shape, size, color, faith, and orientation. More importantly we’ve learned that success is often the result of people embracing their unique backgrounds and so we’ve asked the community to tell us about their background and how it has impacted where they are today.

Julia Kepler | Community Builder

I believe you can look back into your childhood and pick out your 3 strongest positive memories and it’s within those memories you find your passion in life. One of mine is pulling my sister in a wagon with my mom by my side. With a family of one car this was our means of transport most days and walking to the local stores was something we did on occasion and sometimes by necessity. There was a gift shop in particular I loved walking to I would pick out gifts for my sisters there and as I became an adult I bought most of my gifts there. It is funny how memories wane but I had written this one down and came across it again a year ago without realizing it at the time my husband and I bought that building I so lovingly cherished pursuing for the perfect gift. Read more>>

Bret Miller | Filmmaker

My background and upbringing played a major part in who I am today and who I will be in the future. My grandfather was a lifelong entrepreneur, owning and operating Bob-Lo Boat and Island for thirty years. My parents were always warm and encouraging, pushing me to shoot for the stars and to create a life I wanted for myself. Now, I feel both of these influences in my work every single day. Read more>>

Dezirae Mitchell-Garcia | Human Capital Practitioner & Coach

I am from Grand Rapids Michigan, born and raised. Never in a million years did I think I would be traveling outside of the city, let alone around the world! Growing up, I had zero exposure to economic opportunity. No one in my family on either side has earned a degree, and no one owns any businesses or homes. Most of my life involved witnessing hardship, but it was my threshold for “normal”. As a kid, I really had no other perspective of what life could be. After having a daughter of my own at age 16, everything changed. It was at that point I realized I wanted a different life for myself. I had another person to think about and make decisions for. Something clicked and I wanted my child and future children to have the opposite experience I had. Read more>>

Bryce Williams | Visionary and Creative

I’m from Oak Park, Michigan. A small suburb north of Detroit, on the other side of 8 mile. I got a chance to live in several cities before the age of 20, but Oak Park is where it felt like home the most. In 2009, when the housing market collapsed; it forced my family into an eviction that only took a weekend to put our belongings in the street. It was our Oak Park home in Scotia. The place that felt like home the most to me growing up. After that occurred, things changed for me mentally and emotionally. I was kicked out of nearly every school I went to for almost 4 years because I couldn’t adapt to change. I hated change. Every new school I attended was nothing like the last. Public School, Private School, Charter, and possibly Military School if I didn’t pull my act together. Read more>>