We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Deepa Joshi | Talk Show Host | Entrepreneur | Sound Therapist

Every business or initiative is a reflection of one’s passion and personal interest. For me, it began with my love for simple, elegant sarees—each with its own unique language of expression. I host a podcast called ‘The Raaga Room,’ where I engage in heartfelt conversations with artists from the Indian classical music world. For each episode, I chose to wear tussar silk sarees that are representation of grace and tradition. Read more>>

Jaden Jackson Aka Cash The Barber | Barber

Rich dad for Dad was a great book. I really liked it because it showed a different mindset than what my mother had during my upbringing . Even though my mother was very successful, went to school and had a good career. It showed me that she had the poor dads mindset . That was was scared to take risk and invest into themselves. Read more>>

Kat Borden | Artist & Developer

I’m deeply inspired by the amazing work that animal shelters do, often with very limited resources. From the moment I started tiny cat studio, I knew that I wanted to use my creative work to help provide food, treatment, and more to animals in need. I’ve started selling special handmade items, like stickers, button pins, and magnets, with 100% of the proceeds going to local shelters. It’s a way for me to channel my creativity into something meaningful, and the community in Michigan is great at coming together for a cause. Read more>>

Dan Stowell | Marketing Professional & Wellness Advocate

I’ve always believed in karma and live by doing the right thing—not just for good fortune but because I have a moral responsibility to be and do good. Results matter, but some things are beyond our control, and our intentions and how we handle misfortune are what matter most. Read more>>

Harru Lawson | Graphic Artist

I am from (Southwest) Detroit. I was the kid that loved wrestling and comic book books that would lay under the clouds and imagine what animals the shapes were, but I also liked to fight. By the time I was in high school, I couldn’t stay out of trouble, and I didn’t know how to articulate how I felt, so I’d just draw; sometimes all over everything, it didn’t matter what it was. I barely made it to college, but I was introduced to Duane from Legwork Graphics on Blackplanet, and his work opened my eyes to the possibilities of combining art and computers through graphic design. Read more>>

Ayyub Ama | Self-Taught Chef

I’m from Detroit, Michigan, a city that’s always inspired me with its culture and creativity. My passion for cooking started at home, watching my mom and grandma work their magic in the kitchen. Seeing how they could bring the family together over a meal left a lasting impression on me. Read more>>

Evan Jaster | Music Producer, Audio Engineer, Artist & DJ

My entire life the normal path of success never intrigued me, I always had a creative spark and drive for things I made. I’ve always wanted to share that joy and creativity with the people around me, and money isn’t really the goal, it’s just super fun! Read more>>

Jessi Murray | Tattoo Apprentice & Freelance Illustrator

I think when we’re younger we have a stamina that we take for granted. We operate in a way that feels like it’ll last forever; running on little sleep, pushing ourselves physically, getting by on whatever resources are available. But as a disabled artist I have had to painfully learn what it means to create a sustainable work life balance. The hardest thing I’ve learned is that rest can be productive and is absolutely necessary. It felt unnatural compared to the “go, go, go” life I had been living, but it has been key in breaking the working nonstop to burnout cycle. Relearning my body’s limits and building rest into my schedule has allowed me to stay consistent and produce at a high level without crashing. Work life balance can be incredibly overlooked but is fundamental. Read more>>