Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
I was not always this way. I actually had to learn to like people, and now I can confidently say that I love people, humanity, collaboration, community—everything we create as a common good. Putting people first is a very hard priority in a world where money seems to rule all important personal or business decisions. However, I believe it is always essential to find that human spark in every interaction or transaction we undertake. Read more>>
I was born in and around business. My father owned a potato chip company here in the state of Michigan. I loved everything about that the independence he had.. the monetary funds that come with running something successfully. But most importantly being able to employ individuals and make an impact on their lives there’s something that really caught my eye and I hold deer to this every single day. When I had the opportunity to start my first company at the age of 21 I jumped right in. Did not hesitate think twice, I just asked myself how do I become the best at it? I used my eager and motivation and hard work ethic to prevail. Read more>>
Win with Windless Silent Disco was inspired by a deeply personal experience. Our son, who was diagnosed with autism, has sensitive hearing and often finds traditional loud environments overwhelming. As parents, we wanted to create a space where he, and others like him, could enjoy music and dancing without the sensory overload that typically accompanies such events. This led us to explore the concept of silent discos, where music is delivered through wireless headphones, offering a more controlled and individualized experience. Read more>>
In 2015, my mother, sister, and I co-founded Women&Women, a textile brand driven by our passion for fashion and design. However, as we navigated the creative process, we faced a harsh reality: following trends, preparing mood boards from pattern and model inspirations, and transforming them into production was an incredibly exhausting and unsustainable journey. By the time our designs reached the production stage, trends had often already evolved, leaving us in a perpetual race against time. Read more>>
I think the most important lesson that my business has taught me is that my own beliefs and intentions are the driving force for my business and how I experience the world around me. This quote from Henry Ford sums up that belief has become more ingrained over time: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” Read more>>
Well, to put it simply. It started as a creative outlet that just developed into a career. Going to O.C.C. to learn more about the craft, graduating with honors. Read more>>