Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
My favorite affirmation is “you are what you are, until you are something else. Remain humble and honest”. I started out in life in a very low station economically. My household was really chaotic and violent, and there were a lot of drugs and alcohol abused by the adults who were supposed to care for my siblings and I. I knew I wanted to make something more out of my future, so I focused very hard on observing and learning from my environment, instead of emulating it. As a result in adulthood, it is now very natural and easy for me to empathize with people from all walks of life, and (without judgement) reflect and grow from all interactions and experiences. Read more>>
After becoming a full-time mosaic artist, the most important decision has been to focus my work on personally meaningful and inspirational work exploring my heritage. This decision has led to many creative designs, ideas, and expressions. Read more>>
A former boss of mine, who was the co-owner of a nationwide dental management company, had a phrase that I heard him say at least once a day and it stuck with me throughout my whole career – the 80/20 rule. Basically, it means to not wait for everyday decisions to be perfect. Get started on progress, once you have a problem 80% solved and then the other 20% of the unknown will solve itself after you begin the work. Read more>>
As I reflect over my life’s journey, I have often thought about what I want my legacy to be. The 3 life lessons I want to share that I believe best represent the legacy I want to leave includes positive examples of 1) living my purpose; 2) cultivating my family for generational impact 3) and leave the world better than I found it. I want people to remember that I stood up for what I believed and I served my family and community with passion and love. Read more>>
My legacy is something I think about constantly. This such a loaded question, and honestly, I don’t have a definitive answer. I wish I did—like someone would just come along and tell me what my purpose is, so I could fully commit to it. I think about it as a parent, as a friend, as a spouse, and of course, as an artist. Read more>>
The most important factor behind the success of Rho Epsilon Iota is our unwavering commitment to creating a national network of individuals with a deep passion for real estate. As the first nationally recognized professional real estate fraternity, we saw the need for a collaborative community where students, faculty, alumni, and professionals could connect, grow, and excel in their careers. By fostering leadership, providing educational resources, and cultivating lasting industry relationships, we have built an organization dedicated to the long-term success of our members, allowing them to thrive in the ever-evolving real estate industry. Read more>>
When I started my coaching business fifteen years ago I thought about what I was ultimately trying to accomplish. My goal was and still is to have each and every person who sits across from me to feel better when they came in. Its a simple mission statement but it ultimately is the reason for the success of my brand. Whether people come in for a session to gain clarity and direction into situations in their life or maybe I am helping them navigate grief or another powerful emotion the reason behind the session remains the same. If I can help that client feel better whether it be more empowered, at peace, hopeful, you name it… it will be a successful session. People want to feel good and if you give that to them your business will flourish. Read more>>
While many people are becoming more familiar with the physical health benefits of sauna, there’s still a gap when it comes to understanding the cultural importance of sauna, especially as a practice for connection, finding inner peace, and simple enjoyment. We’re aiming to bring these deeper aspects to life by making sauna accessible and approachable. We do this through community pop-up sessions across West Michigan and private sauna rental experiences, where we not only provide the experience but also share how sauna works and how to make the most of it. Read more>>
One aspect of the health and beauty industry that is often overlooked by outsiders is the mental strain associated with keeping up with the latest trends. The rapid advancements in technology have introduced a constant stream of new products and treatments, creating a pressure to continuously update one’s knowledge and Arsenl of products. From laser treatments and serums to foundations, lotions, and sculpting tools, the industry is constantly pushing new “must-haves.” Furthermore, the rise of cosmetic surgeries and body modification trends, such as BBLs, skinny BBLs, corsets, and rib removal, adds to the pressure to conform to ever-changing beauty standards. Read more>>
The most difficult decision I’ve ever had to make was putting God first. My father died when I was fourteen. As a young man without his dad during his most formative years, that led to the unconscious pursuit of father-figures in the form of coaches, mentors, and men I idolized. Because I was so hungry for the father I needed, I did whatever it took to earn these men’s approval, counsel, and guidance, or lack thereof. Suffice to say, I worshiped them. Read more>>
As a mother and a business owner to a multi-faceted boutique and event space….Work life balance has taken some time to find a harmony between the two. My husband and I both thrive on having full plates. We find it exhilarating and challenging. We’ve been married for 8 years, and in that 8 years we’ve started several businesses, invested in and renovated residential and commercial homes and buildings, and had 4 kids. Though we always considered ourselves “good” at doing a lot, after 8 years of non-stop progress we found ourselves tired, spinning our wheels, and honestly, missing our kids. Read more>>
You know, I thought I was busy two years ago with my husband, three kids and a full time career but boy, was I wrong! Running a small business on top of that has truly taught me that I can do anything! It’s a ton of work, a ton of juggling and a ton of reaching out for help when I really need it! As a mom, I want my kids to see what hard work is! I want to look back and think, “my mom crushed it and was still there every time we needed her!”. Read more>>
As a small business owner, there have been times where I’ve asked myself, “wouldn’t it just be easier to work for someone else and get a steady paycheck?” It’s in those moments I reflect on my Why. What keeps me on track is honoring my internal drive and my passion. My “Why.” It is the core reason Custom Ideation exists— to help other entrepreneurs unlock their potential, support their success, and contribute to the growth of the small business community. When things get tough, as long as my “Why” still aligns with what I’m doing, I know I’m moving in the right direction. Read more>>