Thinking through the whether to start something new

Starting a business can be terrifying. Weighing the pros and cons, the risks, and other considerations can be so overwhelming that often promising entrepreneurs stop before they even start. We asked some phenomenal entrepreneurs about their thought process behind starting their own businesses. Our hope is that by making the thought-process less intimidating we can help more folks think through whether they should take an entrepreneurial leap.
I got to a point in my career where I wanted to play by my own rules. I wanted to create something that I 100% believed in and stood behind. I wanted something that would reignite my creative flame. Read more>>
I operated an event company, “Square Peg Events, LLC” for 15 years and sunset it in the Fall of 2023. Many aspects of that company focused on community, but I found my heart and passion directing me to more in-depth experiences benefiting people in health and life circumstances. Read more>>
Starting my own business honestly did not have much of a thought process. I was very frustrated with how the events industry was going in the State and quite frankly, since I knew better, I thought that I could do better by the vendors than the some event planners were doing at the time. Lots of vendors were being mistreated and there was a lot in the industry that was unfair and and I wanted to change that. Read more>>
My thought process behind starting my own business stemmed from years of working various jobs where I often felt stuck and limited in my creative expression. I realized that these roles, while valuable in their own way, didn’t allow me the freedom to fully explore and utilize my creativity. I wanted the ability to create something truly my own, where I could make the decisions and set the direction. Being my own boss not only gives me that creative freedom but also allows me to set my own schedule, which is something I truly value. Read more>>
I suffered immeasurably at the hands of doctors with birth of my first child and then later during my postpartum recovery with my second child. I suffered with postpartum anxiety & depression so severe that I was hospitalized without my consent and treated like a criminal. I sat with this pain and the subsequent shame for nearly 17 years before I could even start to tell my story….I had no choice but to turn my experiences into something besides that pain & shame. And so….my agency (Michigan Family Doulas) was born! Read more>>
Everyone wants to do something they love as a career and I did not want to wait for it to happen I wanted to make it happen myself. This is one avenue that I hope to build to that level. There are a lot more bands out there now than ever and there are less venues and bookers. I figured I could make plenty of good shows happen with all of the awesome bands we have around. Read more>>
After I created and published my first book, which is a cycle charting journal and guide to menstrual cycle/moon cycle wisdom, I had a lot more ideas coming to me for things I could do to expand on this genre. More people are becoming open to talking about and exploring fertility and the menstrual cycle, and I want to be a part of empowering women and people who have a cycle, to be open about their bodies and their needs. Read more>>
Family is everything to me. It has always been a huge priority to me to be able to support my family financially. It has also been a priority to have the freedom and flexibility to make my own schedule. I want to be able to do all the things – or at least the opportunity to. School field trips, sporting events, walk-to-school day, even morning drop off. I also want to be able to stay home with a sick child or take a child to their pediatrician or orthodontist appointments without the stress of having to ask for the time off and making sure I have accrued enough paid time off. One major factor in deciding to start my own business was that I would make my own schedule and answer to no one. Read more>>
In the beginning, I only thought of myself as a Singer/Song-writer. However, over time, I realized that I am a brand and business. I had to hone in on my organization and leadership skills. After becoming more organized and taking my career into my own hands, I saw a positive increase in my business and demand for my talent. Read more>>
I wanted to start Girlz Empowered because I saw a need for young girls to have a safe space where they would be seen and heard. But also have a place where they can be their selves without judgement, learn about boundaries, taking care of their minds and body, while also being empowered to learn and try new things. This program was a way for girls who could not afford they afterschool activities where there was a fee to come and not have to worry about anything as there is no fee and we provided the supplies and materials. Read more>>
When I started out in the nonprofit industry it was a struggle. I gropped in the dark for a long while before I became a successful executive. Remembering my difficult journey prompted me to begin training and coaching nonprofits and aspiring nonprofit founders with the skills, knowledge and education that I have acquired over the years. Read more>>
Well the formation behind Omega Sigma Delta Auxiliary Fraternity, Inc. was out of necessity. Our aim is to progress Black centered marching band auxiliary dancing and theres not a lot of these spaces in our region. So Our three founders came together to give creation to the fraternity as a means of filling this gap. Read more>>
My background ranged from the medical field to senior living. I have a degree from Michigan State University in Dietetics that I often joke that I don’t really use. I was working as the Director of Business Development for a Senior Living Community when I found out I was pregnant with my triplets. They were born early at 29 weeks and spent 11 weeks in the NICU, at which time my Dad entered into Hospice care. It was a difficult time but also reinforced in me the importance of family and making sure the time we have together counts. Read more>>
My decision to start my own business was driven by a desire for independence, pursuing my passions on my terms, and creating something meaningful. I wanted the freedom to challenge myself, control my schedule, and work toward financial independence while making an impact. Read more>>
At first I was only doing this part time. I had a job at a concert venue as a marketing assistant that I really loved. I had the opportunity to get promoted but then the pandemic happened. Everything was a mystery and no one knew when we would be coming back to work. Once we re-opened I found out that the marketing department was consolidated and I wouldn’t be getting my job back. I was hurt. After taking some time to decide what next steps to take I decided to start doing e-commerce full time. Read more>>
Honestly I just started treating it like a business. Being a Hip Hop artist was more so a hobby starting off. I didn’t realize you had to treat it like a business. My thought process at first was to just rap, get better at my craft to put myself out there & eventually “blow up”. Now my process is actually treating it more like a business. So that’s organizing everything I need to be successful & profitable as a brand. Read more>>